Launch of the InmersIA project

The project is funded by Interreg POCTEFA and seeks to revolutionise language education through the fusion of immersive spaces and Artificial Intelligence.
The launch of the InmersIA project was held in Pamplona on 23 January, at an inaugural meeting held at the Department of Education of the Government of Navarra, organised by the host and leader CNAI (Centro Navarro de Aprendizaje Integral). The project aims to bring immersive spaces and Artificial Intelligence to language learning and promises to transform the way languages are taught and learned.
The consortium behind InmersIA is made up of five entities: CNAI (Centro Navarro de Aprendizaje Integral), the Department of Education of the Government of Navarre, the Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat de région (CMAR) de Nouvelle-Aquitaine and two companies providing digital experiences: Nautilus and Immersalis consulting. INNOVATIVE INITIATIVES supports the management of the project.
InmersIA approaches language learning by integrating cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence. This synergy makes it possible to create immersive and personalised learning environments to maximise knowledge retention and encourage the participation of students and teachers in the learning process.
The project, funded by the Interreg POCTEFA 2021-2027 programme, seeks to overcome geographical and cultural barriers by promoting cross-border collaboration between Spain and France. The diversity of experience and expertise brought by the consortium partners promises to enrich the development and implementation of ImmersIA.
With a clear focus on educational innovation, InmersIA aims to improve language teaching and contribute to the development of pedagogical methodologies that can be applied in other educational fields. This pioneering project aims to become a benchmark in the successful integration of advanced technologies in the educational field.