Communication and dissemination strategy of the European project "SMART-AKIS".
Starting point
In 2015 the Athens University of Agriculture was leading the preparation of a proposal for an H2020 call on "Sustainable Food Security, Agriculture and Forestry".
The Athens University of Agriculture contacted Iniciativas Innovadoras to enter into the Consortium, taking responsibility for the communication and dissemination strategy of the project. Iniciativas Innovadoras contributed to the drafting of the proposal and the project was approved.
The project, called SMART-AKIS, aimed to build a European network for the dissemination of Smart Farming technologies and solutions among European farmers.
The SMART-AKIS network was made up of 13 partners from 8 countries, with representatives from the agricultural research sectors, the farming community itself through associations and cooperatives, extension and support services and the agricultural machinery industry.
The SMART-AKIS project and the activities developed by the partners in the framework of the project have had high level impact.
Two years after the project's end the SMART-AKIS project website is still alive and receiving visits.
What did we do?
As WP Communication we are responsible for the following activities:
- Design the Communication Plan, materials and tools and Image handbook.
- Developing the content of the website and managing it throughout the duration of the project.
- Social media management: Facebook, twitter and YouTube channel.
- Newsletter creation and dissemination.
- Disseminate the activities developed by the 13 partners during the life of the project: 20 regional Innovation Workshops and a series of publications.
- Developing close links with 18 thematic networks and other thematically related projects.
- Provide support in the realisation of the events and the Final Conference.
- Monitor the impact of the different communication activities.
The SMART-AKIS project and the activities developed by the partners in its framework have had a high degree of impact.
The impact of Communication and Transfer activities has reached more than 10,000 people in the European Union and other countries.
Two years from its end, the SMART-AKIS project website is still alive and receiving visits.