European projection of Navarre's social economy.

Starting point
ANEL is the Association that brings together all social economy enterprises in Navarre. Since 1982 ANEL has been representing and supporting this enterprises and promoting the social economy enterprise model in Navarre.
It was in 2008 that ANEL called upon Iniciativas Innovadoras, as an expert in European projects, in order to start identifying colaboration opportunities with other social economy entities in different territories of the European Union to undertake new projects together with them.
What did we do?
We work with ANEL managers in order to identify their needs and concerns.
We certainly reaffirm the alignment of ANEL's strategy with the European Union's employment policies, as set out in the Lisbon Strategy, which since 2000 explicitly recognises the social economy as a fundamental axis.
We have been identifying collaboration and funding opportunities in different European programmes.
Based on the identified opportunities, we have worked with ANEL in the preparation of proposals, management and coordination of European projects submitted to different programmes and calls (POCTEFA, ERASMUS+, Operational Programme for Social Inclusion and Social Economy 2014-2020, DG Grow Pilot Projects, Thematic Partnership on Social Economy of the Smart Specialisation Platform...) in cooperation with other European entities.
Over the last 10 years, the accompaniment by Iniciativas Innovadoras has enabled ANEL to establish partnerships with various organisations in various regions through 7 European-funded projects developed in the field of the social economy. These projects have allowes ANEL to:
- Gain European visibility and recognition for the Navarre social economy model.
- Creation of collaboration frameworks with reference European entities in the social economy field in Europe.
- Consolidation of a stable collaboration between the benchmark social economy entities in the Euroregion Nouvelle Aquitaine - Euskadi - Navarra.
- Guidelines for structuring of the social economy in Navarre.
- New initiatives and innovative elements development in its range of services:
- Entrepreneurs' cooperative;
- New methodologies, models and programmes in terms of project emergence, social entrepreneurship and social innovation;
- Cooperative experiences programme for young people...